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魔:你要注意一點喔 你之前身材很好 現在有點小發胖

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我叫某人別畫下眼線 每次都暈開了 他說台灣只畫上 他們洲上下都畫 他姐就叫我過去他要畫我 我就很不爽搖頭 他全畫整個暈開更醜 台灣全畫沒暈很美 重點是他眼線筆那麼暈

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綺說她不知道我會去上課就沒幫我簽名 我說我會去他就才幫我簽

我問泰國跳先生十一點會走嗎 他說會他主動說可幫我簽我就不用去

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腦袋快爆炸了 「工作為何能像喝了桂格奶粉一樣茁壯」

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好是上學期大三沒期末考週 考試週前就全課堂考完了 這學期我期中考程表只有統計一科還在第一天 我就可回家放六天 先苦後甘
壞是我回家沒朋友陪我玩耍 全部人都在準備下週的期中報告和考試 只有有把握和科目輕鬆考的可跟我一起

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  • Apr 10 Fri 2015 20:38
  • 低咖



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某 A 積極勾搭夜店老闆拿貴賓卡,還邀他來家裡 penthouse 想喝免費的酒。

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布蘭達看出國薦選名單 某不遵守諾言的富家公子哥兒無須憂心將要去的國家就業率如何 只是要去度假ㄧ年的 說要去希臘 卻去了法國
一般人去那間都是去一年半順拿碩士 我還很焦慮想說有半年會跟他重疊 是否該為了避開他選佛羅里達

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After washing hands, we should keep it wet, use tissue paper to wipe it or use machine to dry it? If we do not let it dry, water is going to bring a lot of bacteria, it is dirtier than do not wash hands. It is a waste to use papers. My best friend says, drying machine is also dirty inside, it makes your hands dirtier. I use all these three methods. If there is no paper or drying machine then I just don't dry my hands. If there is paper or drying machine, I use it. When I was little, I did not have the habit to dry my hands after washing them, I just shake them and wetted the floor. That was such a bad habit. My mom uses handkerchief like Japanese. A young handsome Japanese baseball player uses an old blue handkerchief on television that is already not producing. Women fall in love with him, they crazily ask about the product. He makes it popular then the handkerchief business starts to produce it again. I use towel to dry my hands, tableware, and everything at home, that is way more environment friendly because it can be reused again and again, not like tissues. (206)

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A guy who "used to" be my best friend left mean words on my Facebook. I was so mad and sad, I felt he was so creepy. I talked to many friends because I couldn't do anything but think about how bad he is. Until my junior high friend told me, "Haters gonna hate." I realized that I didn't do anything wrong, it's he who's childish. I'm so glad my old best friend loves me so much, that he can't accept I left him, so he still cares about my Facebook and can't help to be mad at me. However, he still makes me nervous. Everything I do to my friends, I imagine he'll make fun of me, saying I "was" also being so nice to him. "Fear is your imaginary." written in Fifty Shades of Gray. I keep telling myself that, he didn't do anything, everything is my imaginary, thanks Mr. Gray! I read novels, watch videos, and study textbooks to make myself pay attention on other things, but not on him. His old old friend said, something similar also happened to him, I'm still trying to get rid of him. I wrote some similar paragraphs before, but it's more detailed. (202)

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I'm so touched by any of songs, pictures, and articles since I was hurt by J. I listened to Don't Be Friends in the Future by Eric Chou and cried in my bed when I just woke up. I asked my junior high friend whose good at telling people what to do, "Should I send J the link of the song?" He said, "What it happened just let it be." "Don't disturb before." is what my junior high friends keep telling me, I'd like to thank them or else I'd make many mistakes. Any simple song I heard and didn't have feeling before, I'm pretty into it now. I won't thank J, everything I earn is because I worth it, I don't need to thank any wrong person in my life. "Won't be satisfied until you cry to laugh. The love is too deep, it's the only way to declare. Even I die, I'll still love you." sung by Shin, so I just let myself keep crying till I'm satisfied. Writers, composers, and movie directors have a lot of ideas when they face frustrate, I'm kind of in that situation, too. I'm looking forward to write down all my sensitivity. (200)

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Whole world thinks I'll become a friend of J again. They don't understand J gives only one chance to his "friend". If you failed then you failed. He doesn't make up with friends like some people don't tend to make up with their ex. Since I'm not J's friend anymore, he turned to ask K for help. I told K, "Do not ever disobey J!" She said even she disobeys him, she's going to ask him why he doesn't talk to him anymore. I would like her to try, he would just ignore or read but not reply her. J had some secret issues now, whole world is looking at him. K is the only person who knows what happened, but J told her not to tell anyone. I didn't keep asking because he scolded on me on Facebook. Leave mean words on people's Facebook is an American thing. J whose ABC left mean words on my Facebook, my American friend's sister also left mean words on J's Facebook. I feel like American TV series are playing truly. I don't think I'm gossiping, you can see these from J and my Facebook, just in case somebody will say something again. (200)

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I was going to move from my uncle's student dorm room no. 3 to no. 1. My American Mongolian friend C lives in room no. 5. His Mongolian friend A lives in C's room now because he has no place to live in. A checked how room no. 1 is yesterday. I told him I also wanted to move there, but he already said he wants it. He said he can give me the room. But after I threw four boxes of paper, two bags of plastic, and one bag of trash, it was already night. They were freezing in my room because Taiwan is humidly cold, even temperature of Taiwan is higher than Mongolia, foreigners are still not used to it. I'm even come from Taipei, Taichung's weather is just a piece of cake to me. C asked me, "Do you have chocolate in your room?" I said no then he opened my dessert box which is full of tampons and pads. Eventually, A said my room is too cold for him and too small for he and his girlfriend who's coming to visit him for a month. I even spent one hour to clean bathroom for him, anyway, I'm not moving anymore. (204)

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男人啊⋯⋯千錯萬錯都是 period 的錯!




下午外籍班小田課下課後,我去抱綺拉,強就在綺拉身後也要抱我們,我說:「走開!」奮力把他倆都推開,Gabriel: Bonnie is really strong in her arms.

綺拉晚上時說我今天太明顯了,我說不會啊我最近都這樣,講「男女授受不親」他們也聽不懂,所以我說 I'm a girl, he's a boy, so GO AWAY!

尤金說強問他我最近怪怪的,天啊為何每個人都降講,還踩到私以為的女人地雷 top 1: 她大姨媽來?對啦千錯萬錯都是 they 的錯!!!!!!你都沒有錯啦!!!!!!

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  • Dec 12 Fri 2014 16:35

早上他們說老師中午請吃披薩 課要延到12:30 清古說那他要去 他們就叫他十一點到 我十一點幫人代班 十一點半到 他們就說我只是為了吃 咩咩der清古還不是一樣 只不過清古照他們說的十一點去 而綺拉又喜歡清古 要是我沒班我也十一點去啊 烤肉就一定要再跟他男友講 頓時我背後就五個人都在講 要不是烤肉有手足又有男友 媽誰站他那邊


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W1XX教我統計 OO就說我什麼時候要去找工作 我:我有 他:外語中心的不算 我:我有 他:外語中心的不算買尬都是他男友灌輸他的觀念要家教等級的時薪才叫工作上學期他男友也問過我啥時要找工作之前XX身兼 Coursera TA 他們也還叫他去找工作 XX那時就跟我說他快被逼瘋了之後他也真的去找了每次OO罵(?)我 XX都會幫我解圍 XX就說他覺我口說 OK 時薪大概 300 我當晚就申請 104 之後就好多人打電話找我多到令我產生陰謀論 104 打給我的吧不過要是我真的要去那扇班就會被揭穿所以應該是謀摳零辣扇班的壓力導致我這三天十二點一沾床本想小憩一下碗沒洗牙沒刷澡沒沖燈燈沒關就睡到五點看一下時間又回籠睡到八九點其實星一在玩電腦
星二看對不起青春秋天要走了沒想到也帶走秋番下禮拜最後一集難果灰姑娘寫報告到午夜睡著想說隔天十一點再去點名就好結果早九說給兩個案例第三節寫比較雙方當個人作業星三早上熱水器公司還要來修 Chingddo's 漏水只講 Chingddo 漏水好色情害我帶金剛電腦去學校打報告之後老師講不完也變成回家作業中午聽商管領導菁英學分學程演講吃學校免錢便當一點代兩人班上課到六點六到七寫自己統計夜輔七到八教 Jake 八到九夜通要是老師上禮拜記得講這週他要去外文系公演我們就不用上課了老師要是當場快速點名立馬放課也好(平常都點兩小結果他硬是上一堂哭哭加百列說我這學期 31 學分不該再找工作他問我錢夠用嗎我說很多那你問你女友為何要逼我啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

原來財管我都不知老師在幹嘛是因為要搭配扣ㄅㄨㄣˋ 可很重要好賣又最好別拆統計強借我課本但他還要重修

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