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Here is the other recipe: “Ingredients: rice, egg, pork, and green onion. First, you have to wash all the ingredients. Make sure everything is fresh and clean. Second, prepare an electric pot and put the rice in the pot. Then add some water in the pot and wait until it is done. Meanwhile, cut the green onion in to small pieces. It is time to fry everything in when the rice is done. Heat the pot first and add some oil in. Put the pork and egg in the pot, fry both of them together. Last, put the rice and green onion, fry everything together.” Fried rice with egg and pork is easy, everyone can do it. My mom is good in cooking, but we seldom eat eggs. When my mom was little, once she broke the egg shell, a chicken fell down. She is afraid of shell breaking anymore, she is not good at it either. That is the only dish which my mom can not make, although my aunts always say my mom can not cook. She is good at buying good ingredients, that is why she cook in a free style, they are still good to eat. (200)

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In Leadership Honor’s Program Written Communication class, teacher asked us to write down a recipe without telling others what you are going to cook. The following is my recipe: “Buy flour, ham, cheese, and tomato. Put some water into the flour and roll it to make it flat. The shape of the food should be a flat circle. Put ham, cheese, and tomato on it. Put it into oven or you may use a long stick to push it inside a traditional oven. Remember to wear gloves to take it out because it will be super hot. The yummy cheese will melt. Do not forget to put some pepper and rosemary leaves on the top of it, they will make it more tasteful and colorful. Some stores use wood or bamboo to make it. It smells nice, but it is too traditional and not environmentally friendly. The smoke which is made from it pollutes the earth. Sometimes I feel I think too much, I also want to be person who does not care about the environment, who only cares about himself or herself.” Teacher asked us to ask three student to guess what I cook, two of them guessed it correctly. It’s PIZZA! (203)

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I watched movie Tiny Times I and II. It is invested by Chinese, the director who is also the original novelist. Three of the four main female characters are Taiwanese. Taiwanese hates Amber Guo pretends she has Chinese accent, sometimes I think she is great because if I were her I would forget to pretend the accent. I do not like her is because she is Christian and she does not like LGBT. She said she broke up with her boyfriend, but her boyfriend who is also a actor said they did not break up. A brand of drink shows up twice not necessarily, then I know it is an advertisement. Chinese businesses invest money to get high attraction in a ridiculous way. The emotion of Lily and Gu Yuan changes too fast, their relationship is so unstable. Gu Yuan has knock-knee, he is 183 centimeters tall and from Penghu county. When I entered college, I found out Penghu people are so tall, I believe it is because the wind there is strong. Or else, Penghu people and Taiwanese are both from the south east Chinese province, how come their gene is better? Maybe it is because they are from same family, a tall family. (205)

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After washing hands, we should keep it wet, use tissue paper to wipe it or use machine to dry it? If we do not let it dry, water is going to bring a lot of bacteria, it is dirtier than do not wash hands. It is a waste to use papers. My best friend says, drying machine is also dirty inside, it makes your hands dirtier. I use all these three methods. If there is no paper or drying machine then I just don't dry my hands. If there is paper or drying machine, I use it. When I was little, I did not have the habit to dry my hands after washing them, I just shake them and wetted the floor. That was such a bad habit. My mom uses handkerchief like Japanese. A young handsome Japanese baseball player uses an old blue handkerchief on television that is already not producing. Women fall in love with him, they crazily ask about the product. He makes it popular then the handkerchief business starts to produce it again. I use towel to dry my hands, tableware, and everything at home, that is way more environment friendly because it can be reused again and again, not like tissues. (206)

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A guy who "used to" be my best friend left mean words on my Facebook. I was so mad and sad, I felt he was so creepy. I talked to many friends because I couldn't do anything but think about how bad he is. Until my junior high friend told me, "Haters gonna hate." I realized that I didn't do anything wrong, it's he who's childish. I'm so glad my old best friend loves me so much, that he can't accept I left him, so he still cares about my Facebook and can't help to be mad at me. However, he still makes me nervous. Everything I do to my friends, I imagine he'll make fun of me, saying I "was" also being so nice to him. "Fear is your imaginary." written in Fifty Shades of Gray. I keep telling myself that, he didn't do anything, everything is my imaginary, thanks Mr. Gray! I read novels, watch videos, and study textbooks to make myself pay attention on other things, but not on him. His old old friend said, something similar also happened to him, I'm still trying to get rid of him. I wrote some similar paragraphs before, but it's more detailed. (202)

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I'm so touched by any of songs, pictures, and articles since I was hurt by J. I listened to Don't Be Friends in the Future by Eric Chou and cried in my bed when I just woke up. I asked my junior high friend whose good at telling people what to do, "Should I send J the link of the song?" He said, "What it happened just let it be." "Don't disturb before." is what my junior high friends keep telling me, I'd like to thank them or else I'd make many mistakes. Any simple song I heard and didn't have feeling before, I'm pretty into it now. I won't thank J, everything I earn is because I worth it, I don't need to thank any wrong person in my life. "Won't be satisfied until you cry to laugh. The love is too deep, it's the only way to declare. Even I die, I'll still love you." sung by Shin, so I just let myself keep crying till I'm satisfied. Writers, composers, and movie directors have a lot of ideas when they face frustrate, I'm kind of in that situation, too. I'm looking forward to write down all my sensitivity. (200)

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Family Mart is selling soybean milk of I Mei. I tried full, low, and no sugar ones. Since most products of uni president are toxic, I tried not to eat them anymore. Before I Mei sells soybean milk in Family Mart, I thought there were only few people concern about food issue. But I Mei soybean milk sells pretty well near Feng Chia University, I'm glad more and more people take care about their health. People say I Mei uses only two ingredients to make soybean milk, not like Uni President use hundreds of mechanical ingredients, we need to use New Taiwanese Dollar to make it vanish from the shelf. I'm considering Uni President has half of stock of Family Mart, it's playing a win win game. Family Mart will let I Mei to produce its food because it was a miracle that it sold more than five hundred thousand paper boxes of soybean milk in a short week. When I entered supermarket, there's nothing safe but I Mei product. Its discount from twenty two New Taiwanese Dollar to nineteen New Taiwanese Dollar is only till the end of this month, I need to catch up and try it everyday. (200)

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Whole world thinks I'll become a friend of J again. They don't understand J gives only one chance to his "friend". If you failed then you failed. He doesn't make up with friends like some people don't tend to make up with their ex. Since I'm not J's friend anymore, he turned to ask K for help. I told K, "Do not ever disobey J!" She said even she disobeys him, she's going to ask him why he doesn't talk to him anymore. I would like her to try, he would just ignore or read but not reply her. J had some secret issues now, whole world is looking at him. K is the only person who knows what happened, but J told her not to tell anyone. I didn't keep asking because he scolded on me on Facebook. Leave mean words on people's Facebook is an American thing. J whose ABC left mean words on my Facebook, my American friend's sister also left mean words on J's Facebook. I feel like American TV series are playing truly. I don't think I'm gossiping, you can see these from J and my Facebook, just in case somebody will say something again. (200)

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