
目前分類:食 (13)

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週六的 MEN 🍜🈚️極限,有個外地人(?)問我這家真的這麼好吃嗎?我說還好,但我吃第三次了,因為十點其他店都關了。外:沒有啊,逢甲附近一堆。我:這裏又不是逢甲附近⋯⋯煩欸要等好久,段考週的大學生表示:今天是星六?日日啵啵烘焙本舖也沒開🍞💛😭養成消夜習慣就好難戒,但其實這也才我今天第三餐🍚ㄜ要吃醬燒🐷肉飯不能想到🐖的樣子不然好想吐😷

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11873803_911521652263594_2507802991084808887_n  我認真起來,連我自己都害怕!中午蕎約我去路易莎,她做報告我念托福。中午就起床覺得自己好有長進啊!平常都半夜四點睡到下午四點。

早午餐先去吃壞布魯。蕎先前跟我說的說法是:奶茶等於鮮奶茶。經典美式(和鮮菇嫩雞)有麵包三個超飽,附的果醬好粗 。盤子上都食物又營養均衡,有蛋肉澱粉水果蔬菜。150元左右但有超過200元的價值。

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網路上有很多逢甲百元義大利麵,但都是「套餐價」都「超過」百元,我走訪養雞場、格子 PASTA 和 KK BANANA 後,只有隨義煮比較學生價。


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之前有個研究 意志力能否越鍛鍊越堅強 忘記結果如何

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Here is the other recipe: “Ingredients: rice, egg, pork, and green onion. First, you have to wash all the ingredients. Make sure everything is fresh and clean. Second, prepare an electric pot and put the rice in the pot. Then add some water in the pot and wait until it is done. Meanwhile, cut the green onion in to small pieces. It is time to fry everything in when the rice is done. Heat the pot first and add some oil in. Put the pork and egg in the pot, fry both of them together. Last, put the rice and green onion, fry everything together.” Fried rice with egg and pork is easy, everyone can do it. My mom is good in cooking, but we seldom eat eggs. When my mom was little, once she broke the egg shell, a chicken fell down. She is afraid of shell breaking anymore, she is not good at it either. That is the only dish which my mom can not make, although my aunts always say my mom can not cook. She is good at buying good ingredients, that is why she cook in a free style, they are still good to eat. (200)

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In Leadership Honor’s Program Written Communication class, teacher asked us to write down a recipe without telling others what you are going to cook. The following is my recipe: “Buy flour, ham, cheese, and tomato. Put some water into the flour and roll it to make it flat. The shape of the food should be a flat circle. Put ham, cheese, and tomato on it. Put it into oven or you may use a long stick to push it inside a traditional oven. Remember to wear gloves to take it out because it will be super hot. The yummy cheese will melt. Do not forget to put some pepper and rosemary leaves on the top of it, they will make it more tasteful and colorful. Some stores use wood or bamboo to make it. It smells nice, but it is too traditional and not environmentally friendly. The smoke which is made from it pollutes the earth. Sometimes I feel I think too much, I also want to be person who does not care about the environment, who only cares about himself or herself.” Teacher asked us to ask three student to guess what I cook, two of them guessed it correctly. It’s PIZZA! (203)

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Family Mart is selling soybean milk of I Mei. I tried full, low, and no sugar ones. Since most products of uni president are toxic, I tried not to eat them anymore. Before I Mei sells soybean milk in Family Mart, I thought there were only few people concern about food issue. But I Mei soybean milk sells pretty well near Feng Chia University, I'm glad more and more people take care about their health. People say I Mei uses only two ingredients to make soybean milk, not like Uni President use hundreds of mechanical ingredients, we need to use New Taiwanese Dollar to make it vanish from the shelf. I'm considering Uni President has half of stock of Family Mart, it's playing a win win game. Family Mart will let I Mei to produce its food because it was a miracle that it sold more than five hundred thousand paper boxes of soybean milk in a short week. When I entered supermarket, there's nothing safe but I Mei product. Its discount from twenty two New Taiwanese Dollar to nineteen New Taiwanese Dollar is only till the end of this month, I need to catch up and try it everyday. (200)

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  • Nov 15 Sat 2014 02:26
  • 胖。


但我就是胖妹靈魂,一點睡一點起床,懶得自煮巧克力玉米片,四點幫行銷系拍學校招生影片,帶ChingyApple StoreTiger City 和逢甲的Apple Storeshut down了,遇到店員嘗試以英文溝通,落得輕鬆又覺自己毫無用處,六點吃晚餐,看到小桃介紹便利商店從日本引進的鬆軟香蕉千層蛋糕,可惡我戒便利商店很久了,待在房裡狂吃唯一的乾糧玉米片,想出動去買鬆軟香蕉千層蛋糕,剛好想到朝思暮想許久離我家只要一個街口的MEN拉麵,剛好十點開,真的就像大家說的普普通通,會排那麼多人是因為十點你去哪吃80元的拉麵,原本覺得80元一餐一般,看到台北拉麵賣到180,很多時候我從台北回台中不覺得什麼,回台北才發現捷運是偉大的發明,在外面吃一餐一兩百跑不掉。

IG一個人走,無聊的路口。去吃了久聞不如一嘗的拉麵原本想找室友,但他每晚都去帥朋友家玩,也不找我,只會在我考完一科趕完兩份報告睡的344回來把我叫起床。 原本排隊前後超多人都跟朋友一起來,幸好沒有情侶讓我射殺,正在默哀今年冬天又是一個人好冷好冷時,店員說我可以先進去坐一人座哇哈哈哈哈,這種一個人好快樂的感覺只有單身30年出版一個人做一堆事的插畫家和我懂。(2018年補充:我們中出了個叛徒。)

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逢甲摩斯門出去的那條街,「正宗印度咖哩飯店」很有馬來西亞味,老闆聽來像是外省老兵。外帶的人很多,雖然好吃但內用座位黏黏,畢竟老闆夫婦年紀也不小了。 我大馬華人朋友 Jinyi 推薦口味最特別的 「香辣缽缽雞飯」75元,但這家店都吃不飽,想省錢換口味的話這家店有三四十塊的餐。 我脆弱腸胃受不了辣,但其實沒很辣,下午就在鬧肚子痛。 吃不飽又去買了夾在 Mak&May 1,2號店之間的果汁攤。 小燕之夜有集講冷案的,裡面的法醫和記者說,有個丈夫包砒霜水餃給妻子吃,事發過後都不敢回家,警察去找證物時,證據完好如缺,垃圾桶都沒蒼蠅,因為太毒了連蒼蠅都不敢吃! 所以我都把美國朋友 Gabriel 當蒼蠅蟑螂螞蟻等試毒的昆蟲用,這間是他唯二認可的果汁攤之一。我的外國朋友雖然每個禮拜五上夜店喝酒抽煙,但他們白天還是很有健康觀念、健身習慣的。G 說台灣人衛生習慣有待加強,他一天洗三次澡,起床後、回家後、睡前。秘魯雙胞胎跟他一樣,運動時才換運動服,運動完洗澡。我現在也都跟他們做一樣的事,洗刷台灣人不衛生的污名。 Jinyi 聽完我點果汁的分析,直呼當女生好麻煩。 西瓜汁,優點:20 元最便宜,缺點:利尿。 牛奶,我會拉稀。 芒果,太甜。 奇異果蘋果,優點:富含維他命,缺點:腸胃太蠕動。 無糖,優點:騙自己品嘗原味,如千頌伊說的少在跑步機上浪費兩小時,缺點:難喝,千萬不要像我一樣喝完朋友的半糖再喝自己微糖,會想哭。 去冰,優點:不傷身,缺點:夏天不爽口,大馬妹瘦喝少冰還跟妳說應該半冰。 每隔一段時間逢甲吃膩,就會花好幾小時上網查還有啥好吃。暑假當多益營 TA ,從學姊和大馬友那套到很多沒看過的美食資訊。還不如我自己來寫,終身減肥的女生就可以照著吃。

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逢甲真的每年資訊更新都還來不及,光是我當逢甲人一年店面最高就翻三間。 近福星宿舍新開的麵屋虎徹,包廂時限ㄧ小,無限加麵。 我和 Jon 自辦大胃王比賽,我吃五碗,他吃4又3/4碗。 兩個女店員結束前還問說,需要再加嗎?男店員問說,吃飽沒? 我點的 menu 第一頁第一個濃厚虎徹拉麵,湯頭比味噌拉麵好喝。 西屯派出所對面的四海豆漿(3pm~11am),我昨晚去沒有續碗了。 蔬菜蛋餅的蔬菜是硬硬的那種。 不知道為什麼我吃完後拉肚子,我腸胃敏感,前晚又吃了五碗拉麵。 九州日式豚骨拉麵網路上說酥炸鱈魚飯可免費加大飯菜,但我今天中午去普通65元,加大75元。 我們常吃隔壁的鯛魚拉麵。

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