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Refer to Wikipedia, “Flip-flops are a simple type of footwear in which there is a band between the biggest toe and the other toes.” I have two pairs of flip-flops. Pink one with flowers is from Havaianas which is the most popular flip-flops brand in the world. It’s a Brazilian brand, it means Hawaii in Portuguese. Brazil was colonized by Portugal, that’s why it has Portuguese name, but it’s from Brazil. My the other pair of brown with a golden band flip-flops is from Net, just found out it is Taiwanese brand few days ago. Net is getting better than it was before, my stylish best friend bought a lot from there. I also bought six t-shirts there, I even got a shopping bag for spending more than two thousand new Taiwanese dollar. These are my two pairs of flip-flops.

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The first “evidence” of I tried to read a book was a picture showing my older brother read an upside down book for me. My initial memory of the books I read were Liu Yong and Dr. Dai’s encouraged books. Liu Yong taught me how to react in the real world. Dr. Dai taught me never give up. Actually, my father bought these books, but never read them. I’m the only one who read them and I have read for several times since I was in kindergarten. No kidding! They improved my Mandarin reading skill, so I could read more Chinese characters than peers. There’re a lot of yellow jokes that I didn’t get them but understood afterwards. I loved them, although I got tired of this kind of books after reading too many times. I don’t like little stories anymore. The benefit they brought me was making me love Mandarin and books. So far, I still like to understand every correct pronunciation and word. I need to thank them for making me Mandarin little teacher and attend many Mandarin related contests.

Nowadays, I studied in Bachelor of International Business Administration (English Program). I couldn’t help but check all unusual vocabularies, I just didn’t understand the paragraph. I learn to circle vocabularies that I don’t know, finish the paragraph then check dictionary. It works better than before, it takes me a long time to adjust it. My friend who’s in engineering department says the words in my text book are weird. Study business in English makes me learn a lot. If I was in engineering department English program, I would have a totally different reading experience. You are what you read. There’s huge difference between my reading behavior form childhood to collage life, I could read whatever I want which makes me get motivation in reading, but I have to read something I don’t like to get a strength for a job now . That’s my personal story about reading. 

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Test 1
Number of A's: 3
Number of C's: 10

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I watched movie Tiny Times I and II. It is invested by Chinese, the director who is also the original novelist. Three of the four main female characters are Taiwanese. Taiwanese hates Amber Guo pretends she has Chinese accent, sometimes I think she is great because if I were her I would forget to pretend the accent. I do not like her is because she is Christian and she does not like LGBT. She said she broke up with her boyfriend, but her boyfriend who is also a actor said they did not break up. A brand of drink shows up twice not necessarily, then I know it is an advertisement. Chinese businesses invest money to get high attraction in a ridiculous way. The emotion of Lily and Gu Yuan changes too fast, their relationship is so unstable. Gu Yuan has knock-knee, he is 183 centimeters tall and from Penghu county. When I entered college, I found out Penghu people are so tall, I believe it is because the wind there is strong. Or else, Penghu people and Taiwanese are both from the south east Chinese province, how come their gene is better? Maybe it is because they are from same family, a tall family. (205)

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I watched three movies today. First, The Grand Budapest Hotel, I like its lucid and lively rhythm. It won Best Achievement in Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling, Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score, and Production Design of Oscar. I watched its decapitate scene at home, so I was scared of my sister put only my teddy bear’s head out of the window of bedroom. Second, Café·Waiting·Love, I like the author Giddens. I read many of his novels since elementary school. I’m not mad at his sex scandal, it’s his own business. The girl who acts as the teen boss of Café is my senior in high school. Third, 50 Shades of Grey, I read its novel volume 1 during Chinese New Year. I don’t really get the movie, lots of people say the novel is better than the movie. A post on PTT writes that shades has meaning of degree in English literature. 50 shades of Grey means Grey, this person, has different aspects in his heart. Every time when people say 50 shades of Grey isn’t that nice, I want to show them this post, it can help them know this novel better. I recommend these three movies.

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Not fair! Guys are always good looking even when they just wake up. My wifi isn't working, I was going to send Chingun text, "Stop downloading porns! My wifi isn't working." At the same time, my bell rang. "Chingun 嗎?" "Ya." "Is it about wifi?" He didn't hear that, and he kept ringing my bell. "What takes you so long?""I didn't wear anything."


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YouTube 不要鬧工作室的哈佛妹姜安容在《哈佛學生和台灣學生的差別?》中說,哈佛學生見面就在比誰報告考試多,還不是自己活該選那麼多學分。就是在說我!




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我不太相信 Marina 眼裡真的能只容得下坐在他對面的觀眾,也不相信觀眾真的能從 Marina 眼裡獲得能量,可能我得親身嘗試才會相信。也不是完全不相信,但只有被攝影機拍下的少數人有實驗成功吧!覺得他人生很瘋狂,哪來那麼多鬼點子,也要有錢有閒才辦得到吧!但他回首人生,也不虛此行了,能活到這年紀還這麼健康漂亮,大概是因為保有年輕的心。

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寒暑假是網誌多產的季節,也是嬰兒多產的季節巴。 尬阿拔逗陣跨MOD《對面的女孩殺過來》,阿眉縮偶悶速情侶。 跨丟幾ㄅㄨㄚv, 我:這應該是《對岸的女孩殺過來》巴。 迷主(⬅️迷子⬅️咪子⬅️媽咪)肥來, 迷:這應該是《對岸的女孩殺過來》巴。 我:你別學我。 劇中中華人民共和國演員黃璐演得很傳神,例如:牛排上桌時,沒跟服務生說「謝謝」,但是臺灣人習慣說謝謝。可是中華人民共和國人不會自稱「中華人民共和國」。 要開始找陳光時,車有騎過永春都更再到退輔會,熟悉的場景~ 不過科員就有名片?公文是請科長發不是請那個單位?櫃檯小姐有辦法弄到「陳光」名單? 總結而言,這部片有別於近來兩岸合作的愛情片,直觸敏感議題,讓人看了又爽又恨,所以想為它輕輕的寫一片文。

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Last Updated!:07/11


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